You can dispose of your waste fabric free of charge on the days of the event. Waste fabric is a collective name for clothes and textiles that are no longer in a usable or recyclable condition.
Collect your waste fabric in a waste sack before coming to the recycling station; the sack of waste fabric is disposed of as such.
Before accepting the sacks of waste fabric, the contents are checked. If the sacks contain anything that does not belong to the waste fabric collection, they are placed in the combustible waste for which a fee is charged. During normal opening hours, waste fabric is accepted as combustible waste.
Information on what waste is accepted at recycling stations
Price list for recycling stations
Discarded textiles are clothing and home textiles in good condition that can be recycled as material. Broken and worn textiles can be brought to the collection of discarded textiles, but they must be clean and dry. Discarded textiles are continuously accepted free of charge at the recycling centres.
In addition to the free collection of waste fabric, a representative from Botniarosk will be present at the recycling stations during the stunt days. Come and talk to us about your questions and ideas or take part in our raffle for a thermal compost!